Turning high-quality woven wire mesh into high-performance powertrain components

Finding the perfect transmission filter is a critical step in the engineering process and ensuring a powertrain meets stringent quality standards.  Serving as the frontline defense for the transmission, the filter media prevents contaminants from reaching close-tolerance components; however, elements of the filter are often sacrificed to achieve other design objectives.  The cost of these time-intensive concessions can result in shorter life expectancy, diminished performance, and strained relationships with manufacturers. Performance does not need to be compromised in the face of challenges.  W.S. Tyler, a leader in woven wire cloth and mesh materials, is equipped with the experience and expertise to be your full-service partner in the specialized development and production of transmission filters.

This article focuses on the following topics: 

  • Ideal features and capabilities for transmission filters
  • Automotive industry trends 
  • Why woven wire mesh is the ultimate filter media for transmission filters 
  • The importance of an efficient and skilled molding partner 
  • The value in collaborating with a strong engineering team


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